2024.06.13 (목)

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기상청 제공

실시간 뉴스


<단독>현대정유 발행주권

중소벤처뉴스 구일암 기자 |


<단독>현대정유 발행주권

<영문판 기사>

<Exclusive> It appeals to keep the promise of sovereignty issued by (former) Hyundai Oil Refining Co., Ltd. and (currently) HD Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd.


Dabu Systems Co., Ltd. Chairman Chang-Woo Suh appeals to HD Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd. (formerly Hyundai Refining Co., Ltd.) to fulfill the promise on sovereignty issued on December 1, 1993.


[Former Hyundai Oil Refining Sovereignty]


The details of how Dabu System Co., Ltd. Chairman Chang-Woo Seo came to possess this sovereignty are as follows. In the past, during the 14th presidential election in Korea, the late Hyundai Group Chairman Chung Ju-young borrowed a large amount of an unknown amount from Kim Ki-soo, a Korean-Japanese businessman, and received a request for repayment after losing the election. In storage (Face value: 5,000 won in gold, 100,000 shares, 500 million in gold, common stocks in total of 435) Sold to Lee Min-geun, passed through Lee Min-geun, currently Chairman Chang-Woo Seo of Dabu System Co., Ltd., through fair procedures, a total of 402 copies (40.2 million former Hyundai Refinery Co., Ltd.) ) In keeping and owning all of them. According to Chairman Chang-Woo Seo, who holds the shares, Hyundai Oilbank does not recognize the stocks he owns as official stocks. I complain that the current situation I am doing is very unfair.


[Appeal to keep the promise of sovereignty issued by (former) Hyundai Refining Co., Ltd. (currently) HD Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd.]


In addition, he announced that he plans to make a public offering in the same format as the national stock, promising to return some of it to society in the future. According to Chairman Chang-Woo Seo, the stock certificates issued by Hyundai Refining Co., Ltd. are currently deposited in Shinhan Bank, and blockchain technology It is said that it is ready to sell to the general public in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) based on the stocks it owns.


[NFT sales site (www.hobindabu.com) linked 1:1 with Hyundai Refinery’s old stock certificates]


The NFT sales site prepared by Chairman Chang-Woo Seo linked 1:1 with Hyundai Oil’s old stock is (www.hobindabu.com), and DBHOB, the NFT, is on Ethereum, the world’s best virtual asset network using blockchain technology. It was issued and sold in earnest this week at the earliest, and it was announced that it plans to sell at half of the current OTC stock price of Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd. in order to return to society.


As a media company specializing in economics, this media will continue to report on this article as a special series in order to ensure subscribers' right to know.v